Bonnie Jacobsen created the Yucaipa Valley Genealogical Society in 1982. The first several meetings were held at Provident Savings and Loan and other places, finally settling at the Yucaipa Valley Branch Library.
The first Board of Directors consisted of:
- President; Bonnie Jacobsen
- Vice President; John Reynolds
- Recording Secretary; Rosalind Bennett
- Treasurer; Eloise Cunningham.
At the close of 1982 there were a total of 59 members of which 53 were Charter Members.
The charter members were: Carol Barnard, Rosalind Bennett, Ruth Bowen, Elva Brooks, Gladys Corcoran, Eloise Cunningham, Alberta Danley, James Danley, Glen Downer, Lula Downer, Margaret Eichman, Rita Farrow, Randall Fentress, Mildred Fife, Patricia Flory, Clarice Fulkerson, Marny Goens, Ruth Henderson, Shirley Hetrick, Evelyn Hofmeister, Barbara Hunt, Mildred Hutchinson, Robert Hutchinson, Wanda Hyde, Bonnie Jacobsen, Harriet Johnson, Bertha Keeton, Dorval Keeton, Dorothy Lee, Linda Long, Leonard Lord, Vera Lord, Barbara Magana-Thomas, Maebelle Marshall, Marie Martin, Wayne Martin, Arlene Mitcheltree, Lorna Olmos, Ruby Parks, Darren Patton, Abie Peters, Gerada Peters, Virginia Reed, John Reynolds, Priscilla Smart, Pearl Smart, Pat Stafford, Stan Stafford, Kathleen Talley, Kathy Tolliver, Virginia Tolliver, Ann Whitlock, and Mary Woodmansee.
President Floyd K. Ferguson
Vice President -Programs Nelson Fink
Secretary Sue Wolfe
Treasurer Bill and Angie Daley
Parliamentarian Vacant
Corresponding Secretary Sue Wolfe
Librarian Vacant
Editor Ellany Lawrence
Hospitality Barbara Geer
Welcome Vacant
Membership Linda Liles
Publicity Linda Witham
Scholarship Charlene Fink
Sunshine Judy Fink
Historian Vacant
People of the Pass Project Judy Fink
Workshops Floyd K. Ferguson
Website Vacant